Model: Leading Questions

Shouldn't we do x instead? Wouldn't x be a better approach? Maybe x is a better idea? Have you thought about doing x? These are leading questions. We don’t want an answer. We want people to do something, change something. We are trying to lead them, without being explicit about it. Sometimes it’s impossible to see the difference. What do you think about doing x? It can be general curiosity about a person’s ideas and opinions....

December 19, 2020

Model: team formation time = group size and group stability

Group size A larger group takes longer to grow into a team. It’s harder and therefore takes more time. A team needs trust and alignment. Trust is partially built in the entire group at once. Trust has some transitive property. Model_ trust is transitive But that only acts as an accelerator for trust to spread. If there isn’t a lot to start with, this won’t have any impact. The main part, the daily work, is in the individual relationships....

December 19, 2020

Model: triangle relationships

I don’t remember exactly, but it goes something like: The third person is responsible for resolving conflicts between 2 people. Like when you hear 2 of your friends are fighting, it’s your responsibility to mediate. And I remember vaguely something about ’triangles being a stable form’ in nature, used as an argument or something. (src: Book_ Never Eat Alone)

December 19, 2020

Model: trust is transitive

Trust has some transitive property. I trust 3 people in this group of 4. These 3 people trust the 4th person. So I can kinda trust the 4th person will be trustworthy. I think it is slightly reduced every step, that’s why I added the ‘kinda’ to it. But if there’s

December 19, 2020

Model: finite vs infinite games

Finite game: Known players Fixed rules Goal: win Infinite game: Known and unknown players Rules can be changed Goal: continue playing Players drop out when will or resources are depleted Stable combinations Finite + finite (eg. baseball) Infinite + infinite (src: Video_ Most Leaders Don’t Even Know the Game They’re In - Simon Sinek) (src: Video_ The Infinite Game_ How to Lead in the 21st Century - Simon Sinek)

December 18, 2020

Model: millennial have been dealt a bad hand

Model: millennial have been dealt a bad hand Parenting Technology Impatience Environment (1) Failed parenting strategies Participation medals devalue winning and shame losing School grades/honour-programs because parents complain instead of working for it Millennials learn They can have anything they want, just because they want it … When they start working they learn that all those beliefs are wrong This causes their self esteem to shatter They have lower self esteem than other generations (2) Technology Social media teaches youths to curate what parts of their life to show Dopamine addiction to cope with stress...

December 18, 2020

Model: Grouping tests

Model: Grouping tests (src: Video_ Structure and Interpretation of Test Cases - Kevlin Henney)

December 17, 2020

Model: naming tests

Naming tests snake case is more readable than camel case (when > 30 characters, which tests usually are) “should” is like training wheels name tests as propositions name test as Method_input_result (src: Video_ Structure and Interpretation of Test Cases - Kevlin Henney)

December 17, 2020

Model: Agile Fluency Lens: Model_ estimates in Agile Fluency Lens: Model_ team composition in Agile Fluency

December 14, 2020

Model: company success = business + technology + personal success

Business success makes the company. TL;DR many teams huge business success lousy code I work with a lot of teams that have huge business success, but have really lousy code. You go to a company, and you see they are really successful as a company. You look at their software an you: "Oh my, what is going on here? What is wrong with this code?" All these companies are really successful with really lousy code....

December 10, 2020