Model: no estimates, estimates, beyond estimates

In Model_ 3 stages of relational dependence there are 3 stages of dependency. Dependent Independent Interdependent The first stage and the third are often confused It’s even said that people going from independent to Interdependent “fear they’re going backwards”. While this is only natural progression. Model_ Agile Fluency with relation to estimates Lvl1 estimates not possible Lvl2 estimates possible / easy Lvl3 estimates not valuable, just work on the next most valuable thing (team knows what that is, because they have the market knowledge) At fluency 1 there is not enough stability in the system to make estimates....

December 10, 2020

Model: hero stories show the real culture

Hero Stories are the stories people tell to each other in a company / team. Newcomers are often told these stories when they join the team. These stories are usually filled with a sense of awe. This sense of awe is directed towards certain ‘key decisions’. “You know that time when we needed to make that deadline and we stayed up three days straight to get it done?” where the decision is...

December 9, 2020

Model: workgroup vs team

I make the distinction between a team a a workgroup. For many team means people I work with people who work on the same thing people who report to the same manager I call all that a workgroup To call it a ‘real’ team, I need the following aspects: we take decisions together we want to collaborate on tasks we share ownership of everything we do Indications of a non-team workgroup:...

December 8, 2020

Model: Agile Processes as a temporary tool to break old habits and form new ones

process to break ‘bad habits’ from waterfall but once those habits are broken, we want to remove those processes Agile practices: purpose: get used to regularly delivering software problem: let’s pick a task that fit’s in the rest of the slot group tasking a story, but only 1-2 people will work on it fear: estimates (depends on who I work with) improve today! once you get into the habit of taking work from a kanban wall, you don’t need a standup anymore...

December 3, 2020

Model: Cynefin Framework

simple: eg callcenter complicated: eg payroll, taxes complex: advertising, day trading, recommendation engines, should I loan you money ) orgs good at complicated, are bad at complex ) the complicated problems have been solved already ) the money is in complex these days ) usually, you don’t know which problem you are solving you need to see how they behave ) people have a prejudice Trump sees everything as simple and solves them that way Fred George likes complex...

December 3, 2020

Model: Uncertainty of requirements defines whether to work waterfall, agile or beyond agile

graveyard: agile does not work “if a project was in the graveyard I walked away” simple managers teach the best practices agile has no value here Complicated problems experts are expensive get a team to do what the experts tell “harvest their knowledge, turn it into stories” Complex problems there are no experts “hire a bunch of bright people, turn them loose and say: figure it out” try something, try something else if something stops working, try something else...

December 3, 2020

Model: wisdom = aggregated local knowledge

Local knowledge contains bias and information. Diversity means people are biased differently. When aggregating local knowledge, with the right aggregation tool and a diverse group, diverse biases cancel each other out. This leaves information without much bias. This is the formula for a diverse crowd information == aggregate([ new LocalKnowledge(information, bias_1), new LocalKnowledge(information, bias_2), new LocalKnowledge(information, bias_3), ... ]) where bias_1 != bias_2 != bias_3 != ... A diverse crowd averages out the bias and keeps the information...

November 30, 2020

Model: Blameless Postmortem

postmortem has 3 important jobs explain what happened apologize commit to improvement anomalies and root cause we look for causes, and any anomaly either get's labeled as a root cause or a contributing factor many times these anomalies are present during "ordinary operations, too. We give them more weight that they deserve anomalies are present all the time learn from “near misses” eg. type an incorrect command, but catch it before executing...

November 22, 2020

Video: Agile is STILL a Dirty Word! - James Birnie Model: Cycle of regulation Model: Cycle of big-bang-fear Risk management theatre - what outcome does this process support? What is agile? Workshop: team goals and values Workshop: Ways of Working green: process skin-color: extra info, exclamation marks blue: outcomes orange: rituals blue: outcomes -> only 4 rituals lead to outcomes, we dropped all the rest MVP is a dirty word !...

March 23, 2020

Model: The Three Laws of TDD

Chapter: TDD The Three Laws of TDD You are not allowed to write any production code until you have first written a failing unit test. You are not allowed to write more of a unit test than is sufficient to fail—and not compiling is failing. You are not allowed to write more production code that is sufficient to pass the currently failing unit test.

January 12, 2020