Model: 6 aspects of empathy

1 Emotion Contagion Feeling what others feel 2 Empathic Accuracy Knowing what you feel Being able to name the emotion. Having specific words for different nuances of each emotion. You can develop this in interactions. When you <body language>, it seems to me that you're feeling <emotion>. Is that what's going on? 3 Emotion Regulation Making emotion less powerful, so they don’t overwhelm you. This allows you to do the next aspect (2)Naming them helps with this....

November 16, 2019

Model: Action Requiring Neurological Program

Emotions require action When classified per required action, there are 17 different emotions Anger - protect your boundaries Apathy & boredom - vacation from anger Guilt & Shame - moderate your behavior Hatred - shadow work Fear - focus now Anxiety & Worry - complete tasks Confusion - vacation from fear Jealousy - restore relationship Envy - restore fairness Panic & Terror - fight / flight / freeze Sadness - let go Grief - mourn losses Situational depression - plug the energy leak Suicidal urge - change your life Happiness - celebrate Contentment - bask in jt Joy - enjoy (src: [[book-the-art-of-empathy-karla-mclaren....

October 2, 2019

Model: clever stories

(src: Book_ Crucial Conversations)

July 18, 2019

Model: Create a Mutual Purpose

(src: Book_ Crucial Conversations)

July 18, 2019

Model: Crucial Conversation

(src: Book_ Crucial Conversations)

July 18, 2019

Model: decision making methods

(src: Book_ Crucial Conversations)

July 18, 2019

Model: how to disagree (ABC)

(src: Book_ Crucial Conversations)

July 18, 2019

Model: path to action & retracing your path

(src: Book_ Crucial Conversations)

July 18, 2019

Model: power listening tools (AMPP)

(src: Book_ Crucial Conversations)

July 18, 2019

Model: silence or violence

Model: silence or violence (src: Book_ Crucial Conversations)

July 18, 2019