Model: Code Inflation

If you write some code now, and look back at it after a couple of weeks/months/years. It will look worse that it does today. Like the inflation of money, code also has inflation. The state of the art is changing. Coding used to be done on room sized computers built out of lamps. Then assembly code. Then C. Then higher order languages. (I know, I’m skipping stuff) New frameworks emerge which can do things in a simpler way....

May 24, 2018

Model: Good vs Just

Goodness: people deserve to be treated well. Regardless of how they treat you or others. Justice: people deserve to be treated like they treat others. Why is this model useful? It helps your awareness of how you treat others and yourself. This allows you to reflect on whether this is how you want to treat people. How do you treat others? Strangers, friends, family… How do you treat yourself? Do you treat yourself differently from others?...

May 24, 2018

Model: How to treat people

Kindness: treat people well, always This matches with goodness from Good vs Just Reciprocity: treat people as they treat you This matches with justice from Good vs Just Boy scout’s rule + Reciprocity: treat people (a bit) better than they treat you Golden Rule: treat people like you wish to be treated (Golden Rule)2: treat people like they want to be treated. Because you want to be treated like you want to be treated....

May 24, 2018

Model: Intention = desire + expectation

Intention originates from a desire towards something. But wanting something is not enough. “I want to be rich” is pure desire You also need the expectation that it will happen. In your mind it has already happened. Now reality just needs to catch up with what you already know to be true. “I will be rich” is pure expectation The intention to be rich combines both want and will. Important to realise is that you don’t need to know how you will achieve it....

May 19, 2018

Model: Influence vs Concern

There are things in your life you can influence. There are things in your life you can’t influence. You can see this as a spectrum going from totally in your influence, to not in your influence at all. Concern There are things in your life that concern you. There are things in your life you aren’t concerned about. This is also a spectrum from very much concerned about to totally not concerned about....

May 17, 2018

Model: 3 sources of meaning

active creation: creative work passive enjoyment: experiencing beauty, art or nature moral behaviour when suffering Suffering creates the opportunity for spiritual growth. “to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances” Why is this model useful? “He who has a Why to live for can bear almost any How.” -- Nietzsche (src: Man’s Search for Meaning)

May 8, 2018

Model: comforts in dark times

irreplaceable losses future past opportunities for meaning meaning of sacrifice 1 ) How many irreplaceable losses have you really had? Probably only a few. “Whoever was still alive had reason for hope. Health, family, happiness, professional abilities, fortune, position in society all these were things that could be achieved again or restored.” -- Frankl “That which doesn’t kill me, makes me stronger.” -- Nietzsche 2 ) You don’t know what the future will bring....

May 8, 2018

Model: Habit = Trigger + Routine + Reward

A habit is defined by 3 things trigger: an internal or external stimulus routine: fixed set of behaviours reward: some reinforcement Trigger Routine Reward Context feeling stressed grab jacketinvite colleaguego outsidelight a cigarette feeling connected /relaxed feeling Smoking feeling tired walk to kitchenmake coffeepour a cupadd lots of sugardrink coffee caffeine /sugar /hot beverage /5 min meditation Coffee Why is this model useful? It helps looking at habits in a clear way....

May 7, 2018

Model: control dramas

People sometimes feel weak and insecure, they feel a lack of energy. One way to feel stronger and more secure is by ‘stealing’ energy from others. We can do this by dominating others, manipulating others, draw their attention, … In The Celestine Prophecy they speak of Control Drama’s. These are styles of stealing energy from others. intimidator interrogator/critic aloof poor me One of these is often the dominant one. An Intimidator tries to dominate the other....

May 6, 2018

Model: 3 types of desire

There are 3 types of desire. Demands Wants Needs Demands are things you will not tolerate not having. They will depress if unmet. You will probably not notice the difference, until the demand is not fulfilled. Wants bring the joy of anticipation when not (yet) fulfilled. It’s something to look out to. Needs make you feel lacking when not fulfilled. You feel incomplete without them. Why is this model useful? Demands and Needs are both wasting your energy when unfulfilled....

May 5, 2018