Model: The Four Practices of the Talent Magnet

The Four Practices of the Talent Magnet 1 Look for Talent everywhere appreciate all types of genius ignore boundaries 2 Find People’s Native Genius Look for what is native Model_ Questions to Find People’s Native Genius Label It 3 Utilize People at their fullest Connect People with Opportunities Shine a spotlight 4 Remove the blockers get rid of prima donnas get out of the way Becoming a talent magnet Name the genius supersize it let go of a superstar (src: [[book-multipliers-by-liz-wiseman....

July 29, 2021

Model: book knowledge vs other knowledge

How we over-value book knowledge, narrative, understanding why something works We only let ourselves be influenced when we have a story that makes sense about why something happens. And how we undervalue “evolutionary knowledge”. This is knowledge passed down through the ages. in family knowledge passed from grandparents onto grandchildren craft knowledge passed on from master to apprentice religion rules / practices / rituals When evolutionary knowledge improves an individual’s fitness for their environment....

April 23, 2021

Model: minority rule

How a minority group can set the standard, instead of the majority. Complex system: at different scale things behave differently You can’t predict the collective from the individuals Eg. Kosher drinks in America We live in a world that is structured around the preferences of radicals who won’t compromise, not the will of the majority ( When can it happen? Minority not willing to compromise Distributed among the masses (geographical) Majority not being ticked off by it (counter minority) (1) Minority not willing to compromise The minority needs to be completely unwilling to compromise....

April 23, 2021

Model: 2 layers in Higher-Level Programming

Model: 2 layers in Higher-Level Programming implementation layer declarative layer a declarative layer emerges from continual “merciless” refactoring (src: Book_ Growing Object Oriented Software, Guided By Tests - Steve Freeman & Nat Pryce)

February 2, 2021

Model: 3 techniques for introducing types

(1) Technique: Breaking out Splitting a Large Object into a Group of Collaborating Objects when: object is becoming complex why: object has multiple concerns (violates Single Responsibility) (2) Technique: Budding off Defining a New Service That an Object Needs and Adding a New Object to Provide It (A) Value Types: placeholder type introduce a placeholder type that - wraps a single field, or maybe - has no fields at all (B) Objects...

February 2, 2021

Model: interface vs protocol

interface things fit together protocol things work together

February 2, 2021

Model: web of objects

(1) decompose our system value types objects decompose our system into value types and loosely coupled computational objects (2) building blocks lower-level objects into more capable objects use lower-level objects as the building blocks of more capable objects (src: Book_ Growing Object Oriented Software, Guided By Tests - Steve Freeman & Nat Pryce)

February 2, 2021

Model: Encapsulation vs Information hiding

often used interchangeably but actually refer to two separate, and largely orthogonal, qualities Encapsulation behavior of an object can only be affected through its API reduces dependencies Information hiding Conceals how an object implements its functionality work at higher level abstraction Aliasing break encapsulation by sharing references to mutable objects increases dependencies accidental aliasing can couple unrelated parts of a system (src: Book_ Growing Object Oriented Software, Guided By Tests - Steve Freeman & Nat Pryce)

January 31, 2021

Model: External vs Internal Quality

Model: External vs Internal Quality internal quality is how well it meets the needs of its developers and administrators (is it easy to understand, easy to change, etc.) External quality is how well the system meets the needs of its customers and users (is it functional, reliable, available, responsive, etc.) (src: Book_ Growing Object Oriented Software, Guided By Tests - Steve Freeman & Nat Pryce)

January 31, 2021

Model: Test Boundaries

Caveat: test terminology is not very standardized End to end tests Focused on business requirements. Exercise the complete flow, including external systems. Usually these tests are slow to execute. Acceptance tests Focused on business requirements. Exercise all parts of the flow in our system. Compromise on feedback and speed of execution. Faster than end to end tests, but not as thorough. Integration tests Focused on technical implementation. Exercise parts of our system that connect with external systems....

January 31, 2021