Model: steps to emotional liberty - Non Violent Communication

Emotional slavery We must constantly try to make everyone happy. When someone isn’t happy, we feel responsible and obligated to fix it. Obnoxious stage We no longer want to feel responsible for the other’s feelings “That’s your problem! I am not responsible for your feelings!” We don’t feel responsible FOR the other. But we still need to learn how we can responsibly … WITH the other, without falling back into emotional slavery....

February 5, 2019

Quote: needs are never in conflict

NVC theory supposes all human behavior stems from attempts to meet universal human needs. The needs are never in conflict. Rather, conflict arises when strategies for meeting needs clash. (src: Nonviolent Communication - Wikipedia)

February 1, 2019

Book: Non-violent communication - Marshall Rosenberg

Model_ Anti-empathy reaction patterns Opinion_ People want Empathy instead of apologies or advice or anger Model_ steps to emotional liberty - Non Violent Communication

November 19, 2018