Model: 3x for estimates

Model: 3x for estimates “No estimates” idea is great or bad depending on which phase you’re in explore: estimates are waste -> great idea in exploration, because you’ve never done it before -> estimate is just a guess, no value, wasted effor expand: (not mentioned in talk) extraction: -> estimates are important data for making decisions -> do I do project A or project B -> estimates are useful input for ROI...

June 29, 2022

Model: 3X - software stages

Explore Expand Extract Explore: This is in a startup phase You don’t know if anyone would use your product You want to run a lot of experiments as quick as possible. Focus: speed of experiments, time between idea and “is anyone interested” Expand: solve bottlenecks This is where you try to scale up your offering. But there are bottlenecks blocking you from doing that. Solving this bottleneck (just enough so that it is not the bottleneck anymore) is the most important thing to do....

December 11, 2021

Video: XP as an Incentive System – Kent Beck – XP 2018 Incentive System encourages some behaviours discourages other behaviors Actual Talk: puzzle & key puzzle: why is it that we have a thing that works well & is enjoyable ; people wont do it how people look at you refactoring depends on gender on male dominated teams men who refactor → “craftsmen” women who refactor → “fussy” anecdote: warm-ups playing games, practicing forming team what does refactoring look like, if you’re really good at social interaction?...

December 10, 2021

Book: Refactoring - Martin Fowler

Exercise of chapter 1

November 24, 2020

Video: Tidy First? - Kent Beck

Tidy First? - Kent Beck ( 2 types of people: waiters and changers 2 relationships: - waiter - changer - changer - changer (breaking api changes) -– 4 levels of insight into design there’s changes there’s 2 types of changes: structure & behavior there’s a sequence, which you can plan (“I can change this structure, so I can do that behavior change easier”) experiment: make pull requests with only behavior or only structure, get into prod user visible changes at the end of the sequence...

November 16, 2020

Video: 3x Explore, Expand, Extract - Kent Beck

3x Explore, Expand, Extract - Kent Beck ( ) Question, to be asked early on. small investment - big investment (—) return on investment (red line) waterfall resurgence let’s first do a market survey let’s do a business model refinement let’s then develop QA new product development with waterfall large investment, small chance of payout Question: what do you have to lose? first question I need to ask, to decide how to operate...

November 15, 2020

Video: Beyond Agile Programming @ Startup Lessons Learned - Kent Beck

Video: Beyond Agile Programming @ Startup Lessons Learned - Kent Beck (

November 15, 2020

Video: Continued Learning the beauty of maintenance - Kent Beck

Video: Continued Learning the beauty of maintenance - Kent Beck (

November 15, 2020

Video: A Retake on the Agile Manifesto - Humble, Thomas, Badiceanu, Fowler & Kirk

A Retake on the Agile Manifesto - Humble, Thomas, Badiceanu, Fowler & Kirk ( ) Quote_ true culture Quick & Easy Kaizen Ask people how they could solve an issue they have. Tell them to implement the solution Can I buy Agile? Pay people to solve their own problems Pay for education

November 13, 2020

Book: Test Driven Development: By Example - Kent Beck

Problem: dependency Symptom: duplication Write failing test BEFORE writing any code Remove duplication get to green ASAP, quick&dirty: Pattern_ Fake it until you make it Pattern_ TDD Obvious Implementation tests driving code: Pattern_ Triangulation Results: organic design vs over-engineered code courage vs fear rest between self testing code Split up design getting code to work because they are conflicting activities Model_ The Three Laws of TDD [[|Pattern_ Make the change easy....

September 30, 2015