Model: Why vs Vision

The why comes from the past it's who you are it's why the organisation was founded it's who you are as a human being it's the thing that drives you it is immutable it will never change, no matter what happens in your life it comes from looking backwards a just cause comes from looking forwards it is an unrealised future that if your why were to be brought to life in the most magical of ways the world that would exist, would be this world it is the dream it is the fantasy we call it vision because we can see it so you have to be able to articulate what this world looks like in terms so clear that other people go "I can see it!...

December 22, 2020

Quote: fulfilment is a right

Feeling fulfilled and loving our work is a right, and not a privilege We should demand it of our leaders. That they provide an environment that we enjoy coming to work every day. -- Simon Sinek

December 22, 2020

Video: Simon Sinek on leadership, and finding your calling

( This video was more of a rapid file questions. While it contains a lot of information… …the format does not do Simon justice. He is a great speaker, and in his best talks you can feel his pain, his beliefs, his vision. Here the buildup to that is constantly interrupted by the next question. Book: Together is better - Simon Sinek Model_ what, how, why Everyone knows what we do....

December 22, 2020

Video: The Infinite Game: How to Lead in the 21st Century - Simon Sinek

( anecdote: vietnam war overwhelming victories for USA lost the war Book: Finite and Infinite Games - James Carcey If you have at least one competitor, you have a game Model_ finite vs infinite games When you play an infinite games, with finite rules. You race through your recourses and will infinite games: marriage friendships global politics business When you play an infinite game with finite mindset decline of trust decline of cooperation decline of innovation anecdote: apple vs microsoft...

December 22, 2020

Model: finite vs infinite games

Finite game: Known players Fixed rules Goal: win Infinite game: Known and unknown players Rules can be changed Goal: continue playing Players drop out when will or resources are depleted Stable combinations Finite + finite (eg. baseball) Infinite + infinite (src: Video_ Most Leaders Don’t Even Know the Game They’re In - Simon Sinek) (src: Video_ The Infinite Game_ How to Lead in the 21st Century - Simon Sinek)

December 18, 2020

Model: millennial have been dealt a bad hand

Model: millennial have been dealt a bad hand Parenting Technology Impatience Environment (1) Failed parenting strategies Participation medals devalue winning and shame losing School grades/honour-programs because parents complain instead of working for it Millennials learn They can have anything they want, just because they want it … When they start working they learn that all those beliefs are wrong This causes their self esteem to shatter They have lower self esteem than other generations (2) Technology Social media teaches youths to curate what parts of their life to show Dopamine addiction to cope with stress...

December 18, 2020

Video: Most Leaders Don't Even Know the Game They're In - Simon Sinek

( Juniors only need to be good at their job. They get training to do a good job. People get promoted when they are good When they are promoted they stop being responsible for the work they are responsible for the people that are responsible for the work They don’t get little or no training on how to lead people. They micro-manage because they know how to do the job better, that’s why they got the promotion....

December 18, 2020

Model: company success = business + technology + personal success

Business success makes the company. TL;DR many teams huge business success lousy code I work with a lot of teams that have huge business success, but have really lousy code. You go to a company, and you see they are really successful as a company. You look at their software an you: "Oh my, what is going on here? What is wrong with this code?" All these companies are really successful with really lousy code....

December 10, 2020

Book: Start With Why - Simon Sinek

When you do it well, it becomes personal Quote_ work hard for themselves Quote_ win for themselves Quote_ when people take personal risk Quote_ cultures form around common values and beliefs Quote_ we form trust when we share values and beliefs Quote_ trust emerges when not driven by self-interest Model_ 3 degrees of certainty Model_ Clarity of why, discipline of how, consistency of what Model_ people show who they are with symbols...

July 1, 2019