AWS Technical Acceditation - looking ahead

AWS Technical Acceditation - looking ahead Model_ 7 migration strategies -– Athena - serverless (S3 & Glacier) pay only for queries you run EMR - spark/hadoop Redshift - complex queries against structured data, Redshift Query = sql queries against structured/unstructured data Kinesis (eg. IoT, logs, Clickstream) OpenSearch Service (successor of AWS elastic search) QuickSight - Business Intelligence Lake Formation - crawls data sources...

July 18, 2022

Course: AWS Cloud Economics Acceditation

AWS Cloud Economics Acceditation - Business Value AWS Cloud Economics Acceditation - Cloud Financial Management

July 18, 2022

Model: pioneers, settlers, town planners

pioneers: lean settlers: agile town planners: 6-sigma src: Session_ Team Topologies origin: Simon Wardley? seems to overlap with Model_ 3X - software stages

July 16, 2022

Model: required vs actual communication

Model: required vs actual communication ideal: required level of communication = actual level of communication often: mismatch between required level of communication actual level of communication solution A) increase actual communication solution B) decrease required communication ««< = Team Topologies todo: illustration (notebook p60): y axis: how much communication x axis: nothing / 2 different approaches src: Session_ Team Topologies origin: Matthew Butt

July 16, 2022

Session: Design Heuristics

Design Heuristics identity competing heuristics de-escalate technical discussions Idea of the session came from attending a session from Mathias Verraes in one of the previous conferences. This idea of Design Heuristics stuck in my head. And recently I found Video_ Design Heuristics - Mathias Verraes - KanDDDinsky 2018 This talk was partially sharing what I’d learned learning from others that know more about it discuss it And also checking if others see the use of using competing heuristics to de-escalate technical discussions...

July 16, 2022

AWS Technical Acceditation - presenting

Resources in this section AWS in Analyst Research AWS Documentation Cloud Products AWS FAQs AWS Whitepapers & Guides An Overview of the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF) Your cloud transformation journey AWS Training AWS Free Tier AWS Quick Starts AWS Architecture Center

July 15, 2022

AWS Technical Accreditation - core technologies

benefits of cloud computing global infrastrucuture Model_ 4 benefits of cloud computing agility: innovate faster elasticity: no need to overprovision cost savings: trade capital expenses for variable expenses deploy globally in minutes global infrastrucuture Region -> AvailabilityZone AZs within region - high speed connection between AZs local zones: close to large population centers wavelength zones: embed within 5g networks direct connect: links network directly to AWS, bypassing the internet cloudfront: edge locations + regional edge caches...

July 14, 2022

AWS Technical Accreditation - solutions

Cloud Architecture best practices Well Architected Framework Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF) Migration Strategies Use Cases AWS Solutions & Solution Space Resources Cloud Architecture best practices Well-Architected Framework Model_ 6 pillars of AWS Well-Architected Framework Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF) Model_ 6 perspectives of cloud adoption Model_ 7 migration strategies Use Cases Resources in this section AWS Application Migration Service AWS Well-Architected Cloud Economics Center AWS Cloud Adoption Framework An Overview of the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework Customer Success Stories AWS Solutions Library AWS Solutions Consulting Offers AWS Quick Starts

July 14, 2022

Course: AWS Technical Accreditation

AWS Technical Accreditation - core technologies AWS Technical Accreditation - solutions AWS Technical Acceditation - presenting AWS Technical Acceditation - looking ahead AWS Technical Acceditation - APN AWS Technical Accreditation - Cloud Architecture best practices Model_ 7 migration strategies Model_ 6 pillars of Well-Architected solutions Model_ 6 perspectives of cloud adoption Model_ 4 benefits of cloud computing

July 14, 2022

Conference: SocratesBE 2022

Jul 7 Intro: Why genderless toilets_ Lightning Talks Why work-in-progress aka inventory matters Jul 8 11:00 Session: Help me get unstuck 11:45 Session: Help me get unstuck 12:30 Lunch 13:30 Session_ Mob programming - the hard parts 14:30 Session_ (re)building a community (at work) 15:30 Session_ Design Heuristics 16:30 Session: Neurodiversity in Group Discussions & Workshops 17:30 Session_ Team Topologies - real life experiences (how to reorganize) Lightning Talks...

July 10, 2022