Article: 1000 true fans - Kevin Kelly

( ) A true fan is defined as a fan that will buy anything you produce. You need to meet two criteria. First, you have to create enough each year that you can earn, on average, $100 profit from each true fan. Second, you must have a direct relationship with your fans. The number 1,000 is not absolute. Its significance is in its rough order of magnitude — three orders less than a million....

December 22, 2020

Article: We are creators - André Chaperon, Shawn Twing

( I came across this from a mail sent by the responsibility company. I have never felt good about the “permission” marketing approach by which we offer a “lead magnet” and then immediately hit you over the head with a “buy now” campaign. And yet, it is what most "experts" teach and what most marketers do. [...] To sell, we will use a strategic marketing framework devised by a couple of smart fellows we have been following and learning from: André Chaperon and Shawn Twing....

December 22, 2020

Model: The Long Tail

the total sales of *all* the lowest selling obscure items would equal or in some cases exceed the sales of the few best selling items (src: Article_ 1000 true fans - Kevin Kelly)

December 22, 2020

Model: what, how, why

Everyone knows what we do. I can tell you what I do. You can tell me what you do. Some of us know how we do it The things that make us stand out or distinguish us from our competition. But very few people can clearly articulate why they do what they do. That purpose, cause or belief that underlies our work when we are passionate. (src: Video_ Simon Sinek on leadership, and finding your calling)

December 22, 2020

Model: Why vs Vision

The why comes from the past it's who you are it's why the organisation was founded it's who you are as a human being it's the thing that drives you it is immutable it will never change, no matter what happens in your life it comes from looking backwards a just cause comes from looking forwards it is an unrealised future that if your why were to be brought to life in the most magical of ways the world that would exist, would be this world it is the dream it is the fantasy we call it vision because we can see it so you have to be able to articulate what this world looks like in terms so clear that other people go "I can see it!...

December 22, 2020

Quote: fulfilment is a right

Feeling fulfilled and loving our work is a right, and not a privilege We should demand it of our leaders. That they provide an environment that we enjoy coming to work every day. -- Simon Sinek

December 22, 2020

True fans, continued

Article_ 1000 true fans - Kevin Kelly How to live well (aka earn money) as a creator in a niche. Article_ Better than free - Kevin Kelly Assuming you can’t defend copyright, and everything digital will eventually be free on the internet. How can you earn anything then from creating digital products? Article_ We are creators - André Chaperon, Shawn Twing 1. Serve first 2. get paid (well)

December 22, 2020

Video: Simon Sinek on leadership, and finding your calling

( This video was more of a rapid file questions. While it contains a lot of information… …the format does not do Simon justice. He is a great speaker, and in his best talks you can feel his pain, his beliefs, his vision. Here the buildup to that is constantly interrupted by the next question. Book: Together is better - Simon Sinek Model_ what, how, why Everyone knows what we do....

December 22, 2020

Video: The Infinite Game: How to Lead in the 21st Century - Simon Sinek

( anecdote: vietnam war overwhelming victories for USA lost the war Book: Finite and Infinite Games - James Carcey If you have at least one competitor, you have a game Model_ finite vs infinite games When you play an infinite games, with finite rules. You race through your recourses and will infinite games: marriage friendships global politics business When you play an infinite game with finite mindset decline of trust decline of cooperation decline of innovation anecdote: apple vs microsoft...

December 22, 2020

Model: Leading Questions

Shouldn't we do x instead? Wouldn't x be a better approach? Maybe x is a better idea? Have you thought about doing x? These are leading questions. We don’t want an answer. We want people to do something, change something. We are trying to lead them, without being explicit about it. Sometimes it’s impossible to see the difference. What do you think about doing x? It can be general curiosity about a person’s ideas and opinions....

December 19, 2020