Video: Digital Fluency: Connecting the Dots of…

Digital Fluency: Connecting the Dots of Digital Transformation - Gary O’Brien ( What is digital? customer expectation: - high - realtime - anytime - consistent - total control - constantly changing speed: - speed you need to make decisions - speed you need to get things into market - speed of change new & emerging technology -– Companies that do this well. Same characteristics customer obsession from customer perspective “70% of our customers want a morgage” > “I don’t know anyone who wants a morgage, people want a home” “sell more morgages” vs “put people in homes”...

December 3, 2020

Video: How to enable organizations to go faster - Fred George

How to enable organizations to go faster - Fred George ( one hacker away someone else talking about process like my programmer anarchy Model_ Cynefin Framework simple: eg callcenter complex: eg payroll, taxes complex: advertising, day trading, recommendation engines, should I loan you money ) orgs good at complicated, are bad at complex ) the complicated problems have been solved already ) the money is in complex these days...

December 3, 2020

Model: wisdom = aggregated local knowledge

Local knowledge contains bias and information. Diversity means people are biased differently. When aggregating local knowledge, with the right aggregation tool and a diverse group, diverse biases cancel each other out. This leaves information without much bias. This is the formula for a diverse crowd information == aggregate([ new LocalKnowledge(information, bias_1), new LocalKnowledge(information, bias_2), new LocalKnowledge(information, bias_3), ... ]) where bias_1 != bias_2 != bias_3 != ... A diverse crowd averages out the bias and keeps the information...

November 30, 2020

Opinion: on positive discrimination

Positive discrimination: treat a candidate applying for a role more favourably on the grounds of the nine ‘protected characteristics’ – race, gender, disability, marital status, religion/belief, pregnancy, sexual orientation and gender reassignment (src) Thinking about from a moral standpoint has not been that useful to me. I get caught up in multiple perspectives. “If we don’t, the problem will never go away” “You should judge people based on merit” “It is patronising, implying those people don’t have the skills for the job” “It’s only fair” “It’s the opposite of meritocracy” … And that just causes me to get both judgy and lost....

November 30, 2020

Quest: Build a valuable software product

During all this, I experienced, quite by accident, the joy of people using software I created. And when I looked back on all my other projects. At best I had made them ‘barely usable’ for me, at worst I had dropped them halfway working. I was always fantasizing about: people happily playing the games I create or people using programs I created to make their life easier. So I started looking for a solution by studying topics like: startups, marketing, lean startup, devops, lean manufacturing, …...

November 29, 2020

Quest: Create an awesome company culture

Topics of interest: communication leadership management company culture startup culture psychological safety values (core / aspirational) principles personality motivation positive psychology

November 29, 2020

Quest: Learn & teach more efficiently

Topics of Interest: memory techniques speed reading mind mapping note taking learning education expertise

November 29, 2020

Quest: Work in a high performing team

I was still studying software engineering at the university. While watching some random conference videos, I came across conference talks about software leadership and teamwork. And suddenly I realised: “software development is a team sport”. Software was like group assignments at school. This thought was horrifying! In all my years in school, I can only remember one group assignment that was joyful. All the others were horrible experiences. I’d rather worked alone, even if I had to do 3-5 times the work....

November 29, 2020

Video: The Development Metrics You Should Use (But Don’t) - Catherine Swetel

The Development Metrics You Should Use (But Don’t) - Catherine Swetel ( [ ] start data end date cycle time (means something else outside software development) “When can this thing be done?” > “how certain do you want to be?” 90% sure we’ll deliver it in … days why probabilities instead of standard-deviation? > our work is not normally distributed hard minimum, soft minimum, no maximum, there can always be delays...

November 29, 2020

Video: Computer Science - A Guide for the Perpl…

Computer Science - A Guide for the Perplexed - Joe Armstrong ( - A plea for Lean Software - Niklaus Wirth - The Emperor’s old clothes - ACM Turing award lecture - Tony Hoare algorithms + datastructures = Programs - Nicholas Book_ The Mythical Man-Month - Frederick Brooks How to win friends and influence people - Dale Carnegie ...

November 28, 2020