Model: Standard Work

Book: Workplace Management - Tajichi Ohno (src: Video_ The role of leadership in software development - Mary Poppendieck)

June 30, 2019

Model: Theory X vs Theory Z

Book: What is Total Quality Control - Kaoru Ishikawa (src: Video_ The role of leadership in software development - Mary Poppendieck)

June 30, 2019

Model: train the trainer

how do we train the masters to train people Book: The Instructor The Man And The Job - Charles Allen (src: Video_ The role of leadership in software development - Mary Poppendieck)

June 30, 2019

Model: Training Within Industry

Training within Industry (TWI) aka on the job training based on Model_ train the trainer very successful Statistical Process Control (SPC) - Deming -> (Germany and) especially Japan TWI -> very well received, especially ‘Job Instruction’ “if the learner has not learned, the teacher has not taught” Deming - not just process, but entire System

June 30, 2019

Quote: Kaizen

That is why one way of motivating to do kaizen is to create a poor standard. But don’t make it too bad. Without some standard, you can’t say ‘We made it better’ because there is nothing to compare it to (src: Video_ The role of leadership in software development - Mary Poppendieck)

June 30, 2019

Video: The Scaling Dilemma - Mary Poppendieck

Book: Six Simple Rules - Yves Morieux, Peter Tollman Book: Creativity, Inc. - Ed Catmull Book: This Is Lean - Niklas Modig Book_ The Mythical Man-Month - Frederick Brooks Book: Continuous Delivery - Jez Humble, David Farley Book: Building Microservices - Sam Newman Book: INSPIRED - Marty Cagan Book: Start With Why - Simon Sinek Book: Lean Startup - Eric Ries 1.) COOPERATION cross functional team is still a silo team does not cooperate across teams, so silo, just multi functional silo...

June 30, 2019

Video: The role of leadership in software development - Mary Poppendieck

Book The Leader’s Handbook - Peter Scholtes_ Book_ The Principles of Scientific Management - Frederick Taylor Book The Instructor, The Man, And The Job - Charles Allen_ Book: German Army Field Manual 1933/1934 Topic: Training within Industry (TWI) Statistical Process Control (SPC) - Deming Book Toyota Production System - Taiichi Ohno_ Book Workplace Management - Taiichi Ohno_ Book_ Managing the Unexpected - Karl Weick and Kathleen Sutcliffe Book: Misson Command: Command and Control of Army Forces [[filing-learning-notes/book-maverick-ricardo-semler....

June 29, 2019

Video: The Five Habits of Successful Lean Development - Mary Poppendieck

Book_ Do the Right Thing - James Parker Book_ The Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance - Ericsson, Hoffman Paper The role of deliberate practice in the acquisition of expert performance - Ericsson, Krape,_ Book_ Do the Right Thing - James Parker CEO of southwest airlines “i’m gonna tell you the secret, but it won’t hurt us because nobody is going to believe it.” Employees Customers stakeholders make money to stay in business > stay in business to make money...

June 28, 2019

Book: The Start-Up J Curve - Howard Love

June 25, 2019

Model: control chart or shewart chart cf normal…

control chart or shewart chart cf normal disttribtution

June 10, 2019