CQRS + Event Sourcing Architecture

(src: Article_ CQRS + Event Sourcing – Step by Step _ Learn CQRS and Event Sourcing - Daniel Whittaker)

February 23, 2019

Model: Humble - The Ideal Team Player

(src: Humble Two types: Overtly arrogant resentment division politics lack self-confidence don’t advocate own ideas don’t call attention to problems Insecurity “Humility isn’t thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.”

February 5, 2019

Model: Maturity Continuum - 7 Habits

dependence infant you take care of me you come through for me I blame you independence physically, mentally, emotionally, financially inner-directed self-reliant I can do it I am responsible I am self-reliant I can choose inter-dependence “Interdependence is a choice only independent people can make.” relationships with others we can do it we can cooperate we can combine our talents

February 5, 2019

Model: Self-centered - The Courage to be Disliked

tyrant domineering nuisance to others own advantage dictator, rules by absolute authority and force egotist disturbs the harmony of the group can’t operate in a group never reflects on actions obsessed incapable of ‘separation of tasks’ obsessed with the desire for recognition fear being judged by others concerned solely with the ‘I’

February 5, 2019

Model: steps to emotional liberty - Non Violent Communication

Emotional slavery We must constantly try to make everyone happy. When someone isn’t happy, we feel responsible and obligated to fix it. Obnoxious stage We no longer want to feel responsible for the other’s feelings “That’s your problem! I am not responsible for your feelings!” We don’t feel responsible FOR the other. But we still need to learn how we can responsibly … WITH the other, without falling back into emotional slavery....

February 5, 2019

Quote: are you against layoffs

“Let me review what we have agreed on. We agreed that we should, ‘Make money now as well as in the future,’ ‘Provide a secure and satisfying environment for employees now as well as in the future,’ and ‘Provide satisfaction to the market now as well as in the future.’ The first one represents the traditional view of people who own companies. The second is the traditional view of the unions, the employees’ representatives....

February 2, 2019

Quote: needs are never in conflict

NVC theory supposes all human behavior stems from attempts to meet universal human needs. The needs are never in conflict. Rather, conflict arises when strategies for meeting needs clash. (src: Nonviolent Communication - Wikipedia)

February 1, 2019

Book: Toyota kata

Goal Make production Help others Overstaffed Buffers Learn One piece flow Eg. Solving the speaker wooden plating to make big and small speakers take equally long Vs Help at other workstations Kanban Kanban is used to define successive target conditions on the way to a one by one flow Inventory is reduced in a controlled fashion, and problems can resurface again. “The purpose of kanban is to eliminate the kanban.” “Anytime you start up a pull system, it will crash and burn within a short time....

January 19, 2019

Books: Beyond the Phoenix Project

Notes_ Beyond the Phoenix Project Books: Out of the crisis - Demming New economics - Demming Mary poppendich - lean software The principles of software development flow Kanban - David J Anderson Toyota kata - Mike Rother High velocity edge - Spears Inmates are Running the Asylum Just Culture - Dr Sydney Decker Mike Nagards - Release it (book) Drift into failure - ops field guide to human error - Dr....

January 12, 2019

Notes: Beyond the Phoenix Project

Books_ Beyond the Phoenix Project Summary blogposts (by the author) Part 1: Where To Learn More About Concepts In “The Phoenix Project” Part 2: Kanbans Part 3: Audit and correctly scoping the IT portions: Part 4: The Gartner Risk Adjusted Value Model: theory of constraints Dr Demming Out of the crisis - Demming 14 points Revived Japan after the war New economics - Demming his last book, system of profound knowledge...

January 7, 2019