Books: Brene Brown dutch - english titles

Dutch English De moed van imperfectie The gifts of imperfection Be you. De Kracht van Kwetsbaarheid daring greatly Be all in. Sterker dan ooit rising strong Fall. Get up. Try again. Durf te leiden dare to lead Verlangen naar verbinding braving the wilderness belonging in a polarized culture Gelukkig ben ik niet de enige I thought it was just me women and shame

January 6, 2019

Model: levels of human collaboration

(src: Book: Reinventing Organisations - Frederic Laloux)

November 23, 2018

Book: Non-violent communication - Marshall Rosenberg

Model_ Anti-empathy reaction patterns Opinion_ People want Empathy instead of apologies or advice or anger Model_ steps to emotional liberty - Non Violent Communication

November 19, 2018

Active Constructive Responding

(notebook4 p24)

September 23, 2018

Video: Points Don’t Mean Prizes - Adrian Howard 3 Questions that can help detect value Value based questions Can we take a story and can we bin it defer it throw it away completely Can we take a story and can we thin it 20-80 Can we take a story and split it into more than 1 story that all provide value to the customer User Story Mapping Book: User Story Mapping - Jeff Value based decisions

July 12, 2018

Video: The Container Operator’s Manual - Alice Goldfuss | #LeadDevLondon 2018 Containers are processes born from tarballs anchored to namespaces controlled by cgroups 4 Lessions 1) containers have strengths - stateless stateless applications data -> APPLICATION -> data portable iterate disaster recovery standardized testing environments 2) containers have weaknesses - databases statefull applications aka containerizing databases “Are you Google?” reasons to try: Faster provisioning Stability faster recovery --> cloud provider + tooling “You wanna DIY, really? really!?” 2 main solutions:...

July 12, 2018

Metaphor: Surfing the feeling

When you have an unwanted emotion, trying to make it go away will only prolong it. trying to ignore (flee from) it, will only make it come back faster. But when you allow it to be, and be fully present with it, It will exhaust itself and go away. Surf the feeling. A feeling is like a wave. It starts small, Then it grows towards a climax. After which it ebbs away....

July 9, 2018

Model: identity

Identity is based on the balance between 2 processes: unification: wanting to be one with others, with others rebell: wanting to be independant, unique In certain phases of life, one is more dominant than the other. Society can be more dominant in one or the other. (src: Book: Identiteit - Paul Verhaeghe)

June 24, 2018

Model: Wellbeing = PERMA

This model is a way to (quantify / measure / objectivise / discuss) wellbeing. Which dimension do you value the most? Which dimension do you want to develop more? Positive Emotion How good are you at identifying and cultivating? Barabara Fredrickson listed 10 positive emotions: love joy gratitude serenity interest hope pride amusement inspiration awe Engagement & Flow How engaged are you with the things you do? Do you experience flow regularly?...

June 24, 2018

Model: Good vs Evil characters

I used to think neutral meant Machiavellian. But someone pointed out that neutral is more careful, morally speaking. Neutral means you try to benefit yourself, without harming others or benefiting others. The original model is: Good - You benefit others Neutral - You neither benefit nor harm others Evil - You harm others But the distinction between Boy-scout and Hero deserves emphasis. As does the distinction between Machiavellian and Kamikaze....

June 13, 2018