Model: 3 types of desire

There are 3 types of desire. Demands Wants Needs Demands are things you will not tolerate not having. They will depress if unmet. You will probably not notice the difference, until the demand is not fulfilled. Wants bring the joy of anticipation when not (yet) fulfilled. It’s something to look out to. Needs make you feel lacking when not fulfilled. You feel incomplete without them. Why is this model useful? Demands and Needs are both wasting your energy when unfulfilled....

May 5, 2018

Model: HSP stimulation threshold

HSP is Highly Sensitive Person. It indicates the ~ 20% of the population which processes more deeply the stimuli from the environment. Every person (and animal) has a natural threshold for stimuli. When something in your environment triggers a stimulus above that threshold, you will become aware of it. The term HSP indicates those people that have a very low threshold. Thus they process more stimuli from their environment. Every person prefers to be optimally stimulated....

May 4, 2018

Quote: about models

All models are wrong. But some are useful.

May 4, 2018

Model: the gift of disorientation

An example from the book told the following: Imagine a white bunny in the corner of a room. You cannot see it’s face, because it’s hidden in the corner. All you can see is one big ball of fluff. Seeing this ball of fluff, you can deduce: """ We’re in the living room. It probably either a toy, a pet or pet’s toy. There are no small children living here. Not a toy....

May 3, 2018

Model: Motivation - intrinsic vs extrinsic vs internal vs external

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are often misunderstood. I was only able to fully understand it after I came across the different Regulatory Styles matched up with Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation. Motivation Regulation example: “I exercise because… extrinsic external …I get paid for it introjected …otherwise I’d feel ashamed identified …it is important for my body integrated …it reflects who I am and what I believe intrinsic intrinsic …I enjoy the act of recycling According to the definition, intrinsic motivation is only when you enjoy the act of doing something....

May 1, 2018

Model: Emotional Bankaccount

You can see every relationship as having an emotional bankaccount. Every time you feel positive towards someone is a deposit. Eg. you feel understood by that person, you feel grateful towards that person, … Every time you feel negative towards that person is a withdrawal. Eg. you feel misunderstood be that person, you feel anger towards that person, … At any given time you can check the balance of the bankaccount....

April 30, 2018

Article: How to Pick a Career (That Actually Fits You) - Wait But Why

How to Pick a Career (That Actually Fits You)  April 11, 2018 By Tim Urban . Hey readers! Quick note before we jump in: This is a post about something I’ve been wanting to write about forever: careers. Society tells us a lot of things about what we should want in a career and what the possibilities are—which is weird because I’m pretty sure society knows very little about any of this....

April 29, 2018

Model: Self-knowledge roller coaster

April 29, 2018

Model: The Yearning Hierarchy

April 29, 2018

Model: The Yearning Octopus

Practical Moral Lifestyle Social Personal

April 29, 2018