Book: The Tipping Point - Malcolm Gladwell

Model: 3 characteristics Contagiousness Little changes can have big effects Change happens not gradually but at one dramatic moment (=Tipping Point) Abandon the expectations about proportional change Model: 3 agents of change The law of the few (exceptional people) The stickiness factor The power of context Model: 3 types of people impact the tipping point massively Connector (people specialist) ‘social glue’ Maven “one who accumulates knowledge” (information specialist) ‘databank’ Salesmen (persuasion specialist)

December 22, 2014

Book: Zero to One - Peter Thiel & Blake Masters

What important truth do very few people agree with you upon?Lessons learned by tech from bubble1. make incremental advances2. stay lean and flexible, iterate3. improve on the competition4. focus on product, not sales, only viral growth is sustainableProbably more true:1. boldness > triviality2. Bad plan > no plan3. Competitive markets destroy profits4. Sales matter just as much as productPerfect competition vs monopoly

December 22, 2014

Book: The Highly Sensitive Person

The Highly Sensitive Person 0. Introduction 1. The Facts About Being Highly Sensitive: A (Wrong) Sense of Being Flawed 2. Digging Deeper: Understand Your Trait for All That It Is 3. General Health and Lifestyle for HSPs: Loving and Learning From Your Infant/Body Self 4. Reframing Your Childhood and Adolescence: Learning to Parent Yourself 5. Social Relationships: The Slide Into “Shy” 6. Thriving at Work: Follow Your Bliss and Let Your Light Shine Through 7....

December 20, 2014

Book: Get Up And Do It - Beechy Colclough, Jospehine Colclough

FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real Blocks/Anchors velvet handcuffs unrealistic expectations habits perfectionism guarantee practical issues (responsibilities, duties, time restrictions) fear/anxiety no luck clutter/disorganization no solution mountains security at any price stress (E) Get to know yourself: teach your day to a friend (E) personal inventory close relationships problem area’s/blocks? home life pressures? social life trusted friends hobbies mental & emotional life fulfilled work skills <-> like doing? strengths - weaknesses principles/values...

December 16, 2014

Book: The 4-Hour Work Week

last part before spending time on a stress and inducing question: 1. have I decided on a single meaning for each term in this question? 2. Can an answer to this question be acted upon to improve things? Feel good about yourself - Continual learning and service Slipups 1. Loosing sight of your dreams and falling into wfw sake 2. Micromanaging and emailing 3. Handling problems your outsourcers or coworkers can handle...

December 16, 2014

Book: Unlimited Power

personal power: the ability to act personal power: the ability to act try until 3 steps energy skill specifically define what you want specifically define what others want -> fill them in NLP - How language affects neurological results modelling: duplicate belief system duplicate the mental syntax 5 senses duplicate the fysiology (posture, breathing) turning fear into power / break through fear 7 disciplines of success I always act from personal power <-> fear (failure) I realize there are no failures, there are only results/outcomes Succeed in everything by learning...

December 16, 2014

Video: Hacking yourself - Dave Asprey BIO-HACKING “the art of controlling your biology and performance by changing the environment inside and outside your body” technologies quantified self & big data biochemistry realtime feedback the bulletproof diet Nutrition first it feeds the reptile then it feeds the labrador then it feeds the human part of your brain “you eat last” Sleep Is 6.5 hours enough? > People who are healthy need less sleep! Eat for sleep Less EMF’s (electro magnetic fields) // 4 hour window where you dont make melatonin reduce blue light, add red track it -sleep cyle (app) -beddit (sleep sensor) http://www....

December 16, 2014

Book: The Power of Habit

Table Of Contents PART I: The Habits of Individuals 1. The Habit loop - How Habits Work 2. The Craving Brain - How to Create New Habits 3. The Golden Rule of Habit Change - Why transformation Occurs PART II: The Habits ofSuccessfulOrganizations 4. Keystone Habits, or the Ballad of Paul O’Neil “Which Habits Matter most” 5. Starbucks & the habit of success “When willpower becomes automatic” 6. The power of a crisis “How leaders create habits through accident and design” 7....

December 15, 2014

Book: Applying UML and Patterns

Table Of Contents 01. OOA & OOD 02. Iterative, Evolutionary and Agile 03. 04. Inception 05. Evolutionary Requirement 06. Use-case 07. Other Requirements 08. Iteration 1_ Basics 09. Domain Models (A) 09. Domain Models (B) 01. OOA & OOD paper: Dr Frederick Brooks - “No silver bullet” Book_ The Mythical Man-Month - Frederick Brooks UML vs CASE vs MDA article: “Death by UML Fever” “What UML is and Isn’t” class...

December 9, 2014

Book: Head First HTML5 Programming

Table of Contents 01. Getting to Know HTML5 02. Introducing JavaScript and the DOM 03. Events, Handlers and All that Jazz 04. JavaScript functions and Objects (05. Geolocation) 06. Talking to the web 07. Canvas 08. Video 09. Web Storage 10. Web Workers 01. Getting to Know HTML5 minimal html5 document: <**!**doctype html> <meta charset=“utf-8”> <linkrel="stylesheet"href=“name.css”> var name = “tekst”; var othername = 100; while(condition){…} if(condition){} else{} name = name + “”; // string concatination document....

December 9, 2014