Quote: visualization allows improvement

It is the visualization that allows us to see the whole football pitch all the time. It is impossible to control a whole organization. But it is possible to standardize and visualize everything we do. Through visualization, we can control the whole organization by just controlling the deviations form the standards. It is the deviations that trigger improvement of the normal state. (src: Book_ This is LEAN - Niklas Modig & Par Ahlstrom)

August 31, 2022

Heuristic: test until fear is transformed into boredom

test until fear is transformed into boredom "fear" is shorthand for "lack of confidence" "boredom" is shorthand for "enough confidence" (src: Tweet_ test until fear is transformed into boredom - J. B. Rainsberger)

August 30, 2022

Metaphor: a startup is a seed in a cracked sidewalk

Metaphor: a startup is a seed in a cracked sidewalk A marginal but growing market ignored by incumbents is like a crack in the sidewalk, and a startup is like a seed. The crack gives the seed a place to germinate. At first it's just a little shoot, but if it keeps growing it will eventually push the sidewalk apart Metaphor: government regulation is like herbicide Corollary: If you see a stretch of sidewalk full of cracks with no shoots growing out of them, it has probably been sprayed with some sort of herbicide, like the RIAA or government regulation....

August 29, 2022

Model: business strategy

defines the value the customer will experience an organization can either focus on differentiation or cost differentiation anything that a customer considers valuable eg. better experience, better quality, faster service, more choice cost sacrifice in terms of - money - time - energy that the customer must make to satisfy their need Model_ business strategy vs operations strategy (src: Book_ This is LEAN - Niklas Modig & Par Ahlstrom)

August 29, 2022

Model: business strategy vs operations strategy

Model: business strategy vs operations strategy A business strategy defines what type of customer need the organization wishes to satisfy An operations strategy defines how the organization will meet this need. Model_ business strategy Model_ operations strategy (src: Book_ This is LEAN - Niklas Modig & Par Ahlstrom)

August 29, 2022

Model: Efficiency frontier in the efficiency matrix

Efficiency frontier theoretical perfect state impossible to achieve Unfortunately, the star is a theoretically perfect state, which is worth striving for but impossible to achieve to reach the star requires perfection customer’s present and future needs flexible and reliable resources obstacles variation in demand perfectly predict (what, when, which amount) variation in supply perfectly flexible resources (what, when, which amount) perfectly reliable impossible to reach an operational state beyond the efficiency frontier !...

August 29, 2022

Model: Efficiency Matrix

axes resource efficiency flow efficiency four different operational states efficient islands - resource over flow efficient ocean - flow over resource wasteland - neither flow nor resource the perfect state - both Model_ Efficiency frontier (src: Book_ This is LEAN - Niklas Modig & Par Ahlstrom)

August 29, 2022

Model: Lean improvement pattern: U-shaped

Model: Lean improvement pattern: U-shaped this improvement pattern, shows some key traits of lean example: Toyota Sales Logistics sales, distribution, service (Japan requires thorough car inspections) a) perceived starting position b) actual starting position lot’s of superfluous work (unnecessary technical work, moving cars, difficult planning) c) increasing flow efficiency the speed of the value-adding activities was increased, and non-value-adding activities were eliminated teamwork specialized equipment standardization visualization d) increasing resource efficiency...

August 29, 2022

Model: Lean is an operations Strategy

Model: Lean is an operations Strategy lean is an operations strategy that prioritizes flow efficiency over resource efficiency aiming for the star moving ’to the right and up’ in the Model_ Efficiency Matrix Quote_ lean operations strategy (src: Book_ This is LEAN - Niklas Modig & Par Ahlstrom)

August 29, 2022

Model: operations strategy

helps realize a business strategy defines how value is to be produced how will we produce a product or service given our business strategy (src: Book_ This is LEAN - Niklas Modig & Par Ahlstrom)

August 29, 2022