Video: Writing Software - David Heinemeier Hansson

Article_ TDD is dead. Long live testing. - David Heinemeier Hansson Paper_ Why Most Unit Testing is Waste - James O Coplien [Notes] Video: Writing Software - David… [Notes] Video: Writing Software - David Heinemeier Hansson computer science vs building information systems pseudo-sciences eg. diet books -> programmers feeds Imposter Syndrome === TDD = most successful software diet - test first - test driven design measure of success = easy to test?...

April 7, 2019

Article: TDD is dead. Long live testing. - David Heinemeier Hansson Why Most Unit Testing is Waste - James O Coplien Video_ Writing Software - David Heinemeier Hansson

April 5, 2019

Video: Code as Risk • Kevlin Henney

Code as Risk • Kevlin Henney Article_ Goto Fail, Heartbleed, and Unit Testing Culture - Martin Fowler Article_ Top 10 Secure Coding Practices Model_ 3 Axes of software development as opposed to functional and non-functional functional (runtime) operational (runtime) developmental (dev time) Refactoring = keeping functional axis stable eg. func fixed dev improves ops is kept open Article: Top 10 coding practices

April 5, 2019

Video: Software Architecture vs. Code - Simon Brown

Software Architecture vs. Code • Simon Brown Book_ Software Architecture for Developers - Simon Brown Paper_ Architectural Blueprints The 4+1 View Model of Software Architecture - Philippe Kruchten Book_ Just Enough Software Architecture - George Fairbanks Paper_ Why Most Unit Testing is Waste - James O Coplien Article_ Test-induced design damage - David Heinemeier Hansson C4 model eg. deployment cares about containers...

April 5, 2019

Video: TDD, Where Did It All Go Wrong - Ian Cooper

TDD, Where Did It All Go Wrong - Ian Cooper Book_ Refactoring - Martin Fowler Book_ Refactoring to Patterns - Joshua Kerievsky Book_ Test Driven Development_ By Example - Kent Beck Article_ Is TDD Dead_ - Martin Fowler Ian Cooper - TDD, Where Did It All Go Wrong Trigger for writing test != new method != new class = requirement test api System Under Test (SUT) !...

April 5, 2019

Video: The 4 meanings of event-driven architecture - Martin Fowler

The many meanings of event-driven architecture - Martin Fowler Article_ What do you mean by “Event-Driven”_ 4 patterns under the name of ‘Event Driven’ Event Notification + reverse coupling + first class + flexibility of adding - no overview in code events vs commands command: response, I want this to happen Event-carried State Transfer + decoupling + availability no more calls no dependency less calls reduce load - send all needed data - copying of data - eventual consistency...

April 5, 2019

Video: Why Scaling Agile Doesn't Work - Jez Humble

Why Scaling Agile Doesn’t Work • Jez Humble Article: The IT Measurement Inversion - Douglas Hubbard Paper: Black Swan Farming using Cost of Delay - Joshua J Arnold and Ozlem Yuce Book: Impact Mapping - Gojko Adzic Video: Better product definition with Lean UX and Design Thinking - Jeff Gothelf Paper: Online experimentation at Microsoft - Kohavi Book: A Practical Approach to Large-Scale Agile Development - Gruver, Young, Fulghum Book: Leading Change - John Kotter [[model-prioritization-cost-of-delay-vs-cost-to-build....

April 5, 2019

Video: Event Sourcing You are doing it wrong - David Schmitz

Event Sourcing You are doing it wrong by David Schmitz ( ) Paper_ The dark side of event souring_ managing data conversion - Michiel Overeen, Marten Spoor, Slinger Jansen [[filing-learning-notes/|]]Article_ Effective Aggregate Design - Vaughn Vernon Book_ Versioning in an Event Sourced System - Greg Young Book_ Exploring CQRS and Event Sourcing - Microsoft resources for eventsourcing resources for eventsourcing The dark side of event souring: managing data conversion - Michiel Overeen, Marten Spoor, Slinger Jansen [[filing-learning-notes/article-effective-aggregate-design-part-i-modeling-a-single-aggregate-vaughn-vernon....

March 22, 2019