Model: Cathedral builders

Book_ Maverick - Ricardo Semler Book_ The Seven-Day Weekend - Ricardo Semler Quote_ Annoyed workers """ This concept that relentless improvement means the structures are in place the management is in place encouragement is in place the leadership is in place so that when people are annoyed by something in their job, their boss’s job is to help them fix it, not live with it, not ‘well, sorry that’s regulations’ but ‘okay, how about we figure out what the real problem is, maybe that’s not the problem let’s get at the root cause’ ‘how about you come up with an idea about what might make it better’ ‘Maybe we could do some experiments to figure out whether or not that really makes it better’ that’s the job of a manager in an organisation that has Cathedral builders, and really can do constant improvement all the time for decades on end """...

June 30, 2019

Model: train the trainer

how do we train the masters to train people Book: The Instructor The Man And The Job - Charles Allen (src: Video_ The role of leadership in software development - Mary Poppendieck)

June 30, 2019

Model: Training Within Industry

Training within Industry (TWI) aka on the job training based on Model_ train the trainer very successful Statistical Process Control (SPC) - Deming -> (Germany and) especially Japan TWI -> very well received, especially ‘Job Instruction’ “if the learner has not learned, the teacher has not taught” Deming - not just process, but entire System

June 30, 2019