Video: Agile Schizophrenia - Fred George

Agile Schizophrenia - Fred George ( disruptor: challenges thinking in a organisation teams that are different -– misalignment Model_ Uncertainty of requirements defines whether to work waterfall, agile or beyond agile graveyard: agile does not work “if a project was in the graveyard I walked away” simple managers teach the best practices agile has no value here Complicated problems experts are expensive get a team to do what the experts tell “harvest their knowledge, turn it into stories”...

December 3, 2020

Video: PopcornFlow - Claudio Perrone

Video: PopcornFlow - Claudio Perrone ( ) 4, 5, incoming 1 = no option 2 = dilemma 3 = world of possibilities innovation accounting week by week, are the actions I’m doing, useful? -- Toyota improvement kata - mechanical measurement popcorn uses opinion ask before, ask after -- second priciple how does popcornflow deal with unpopular opinions -> sell the problem better -> forget about your own, work on theirs -> I tried now, system was resistant, system changes after evolution, try again...

November 11, 2020

Model: Ideal Team Size - 7+-2 for agile teams

What is the ideal team size? Agile answer is 7+-2 Model_ Dunbar’s number go modular remove dependencies - also in codebase That’s how many it takes to bring a project like this to the market. Book_ Creativity, Inc. - Ed Catmull how Pixar managed to have great teamwork in big team ~200 When you get bigger than 7+-2 you still wanna have one team maybe multiple sub-teams but only 1 team goal nobody succeeds unless that one succeeds...

July 1, 2019

Quote: Annoyed workers

When workers are annoyed by their job: """ This concept that relentless improvement means the structures are in place the management is in place encouragement is in place the leadership is in place so that when people are annoyed by something in their job, their boss’s job is to help them fix it, not live with it, not ‘well, sorry that’s regulations’ but ‘okay, how about we figure out what the real problem is, maybe that’s not the problem let’s get at the root cause’ ‘how about you come up with an idea about what might make it better’ ‘Maybe we could do some experiments to figure out whether or not that really makes it better’ that’s the job of a manager in an organisation that has Cathedral builders, and really can do constant improvement all the time for decades on end """...

July 1, 2019

Model: Cathedral builders

Book_ Maverick - Ricardo Semler Book_ The Seven-Day Weekend - Ricardo Semler Quote_ Annoyed workers """ This concept that relentless improvement means the structures are in place the management is in place encouragement is in place the leadership is in place so that when people are annoyed by something in their job, their boss’s job is to help them fix it, not live with it, not ‘well, sorry that’s regulations’ but ‘okay, how about we figure out what the real problem is, maybe that’s not the problem let’s get at the root cause’ ‘how about you come up with an idea about what might make it better’ ‘Maybe we could do some experiments to figure out whether or not that really makes it better’ that’s the job of a manager in an organisation that has Cathedral builders, and really can do constant improvement all the time for decades on end """...

June 30, 2019

Model: Standard Work

Book: Workplace Management - Tajichi Ohno (src: Video_ The role of leadership in software development - Mary Poppendieck)

June 30, 2019

Quote: Kaizen

That is why one way of motivating to do kaizen is to create a poor standard. But don’t make it too bad. Without some standard, you can’t say ‘We made it better’ because there is nothing to compare it to (src: Video_ The role of leadership in software development - Mary Poppendieck)

June 30, 2019

Video: The role of leadership in software development - Mary Poppendieck

Book The Leader’s Handbook - Peter Scholtes_ Book_ The Principles of Scientific Management - Frederick Taylor Book The Instructor, The Man, And The Job - Charles Allen_ Book: German Army Field Manual 1933/1934 Topic: Training within Industry (TWI) Statistical Process Control (SPC) - Deming Book Toyota Production System - Taiichi Ohno_ Book Workplace Management - Taiichi Ohno_ Book_ Managing the Unexpected - Karl Weick and Kathleen Sutcliffe Book: Misson Command: Command and Control of Army Forces [[filing-learning-notes/book-maverick-ricardo-semler....

June 29, 2019

Model: 3 Axes of software development

Model: 3 Axes of software development as opposed to functional and non-functional functional (runtime) operational (runtime) developmental (dev time) Refactoring = keeping functional axis stable eg. func fixed dev improves ops is kept open (src: Video_ Code as Risk • Kevlin Henney)

May 1, 2019

Model: Hypothesis-driven delivery

Hypothesis-driven delivery (src: Video_ Why Scaling Agile Doesn’t Work - Jez Humble)

May 1, 2019