Story: how I learned about Leading Questions

It was during one of the SocratesBe conferences. There was a session called something like “fishbowl mobbing”. This was a combination of Pattern_ mob programming and Pattern_ fishbowl where there is a few people on the stage, with the rest spectating. The rules are described here: Pattern_ Fish Bowl mob programming One of the rules is The question box is not allowed to ask Model_ Leading Questions when you want to lead, take over navigation And this was so hard!...

December 19, 2020

Story: architecture experiment

I was working in a new project that had a microservice architecture at TomTom since January. I was enrolled in the Course_ Cloud Native Entrepreneur - Patrick Lee Scott since December. In this course he teaches about cloud native (microservices and devops) and entrepreneurship. I was thinking about solving my problem of better highlighting / note-taking while reading. I enrolled in the Course_ Advanced Distributed System Design - Udi Dahan where I picked up the idea that deciding which things are deployed on the same machine can be decided later Oh and a year I learned CQRS and eventsourcing, mainly from Greg Young’s materials...

December 18, 2020

Story: constraining a story until there is no complexity left

This is part of a larger Story_ slicing stories We kept coming up with constraints that made the story simpler and simpler to implement. Not just simpler in code, but also in complexity. Beforehand it was already known to me that adding features to a program, increases the complexity exponentially per feature added, rather than linearly. Because every existing feature can cause problems for the new feature. So it’s much easier to add the 3rd feature than it is to add the 10th feature....

December 11, 2020

Story: slicing stories

A couple of us in the team wanted to experiment with slicing stories smaller. And hammering out some of the details about complexity. So we came up with slicing smaller. At the time we were working a bit less as a team than we wanted to. So we wanted to add something to prevent pushing ideas through without the buy-in from the entire team. So we added another part to the challenge....

December 11, 2020

Story: slicing stories as teambuilding

This is part of a larger Story_ slicing stories It’s pretty easy to push one’s opinion though about smaller slices. And it’s even easier if there is multiple people sharing that view. But that doesn’t build the team, instead it damages it a bit. Feeling misunderstood, feeling like your opinion does not matter, self-silencing your ideas. All of these are serious withdrawals from someone’s Model_ Emotional Bank account. This can happen occasionally, and when the balance is high enough, it isn’t that harmful....

December 11, 2020 - the origin story

I have this value stream for reading. Reading valuestream But the mapping part is always very labor intensive. While reading I create highlights, but most note taking apps are quite limited in the colours. Kindle only allows four, and that’s one of the better ones. Many have only one colour. And even 4 static colours, started becoming too inflexible for me. So I decided to make my own ebook reader app....

November 19, 2020

Story: How I decided on how said goodbye to my team

After I decided to leave my current team, I wanted to say goodbye. In a beautiful way. I wanted to create a beautiful goodbye. But I did not know how… (at the time I didn’t even have the words to describe what I wanted) So naturally, I ended up procrastinating and ignoring it, my default response to these types of situations. Good thing I have a regular appointment with a therapist who knows to ask the right questions....

January 2, 2020