Model: Humble - The Ideal Team Player

(src: Humble Two types: Overtly arrogant resentment division politics lack self-confidence don’t advocate own ideas don’t call attention to problems Insecurity “Humility isn’t thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.”

February 5, 2019

Model: Maturity Continuum - 7 Habits

dependence infant you take care of me you come through for me I blame you independence physically, mentally, emotionally, financially inner-directed self-reliant I can do it I am responsible I am self-reliant I can choose inter-dependence “Interdependence is a choice only independent people can make.” relationships with others we can do it we can cooperate we can combine our talents

February 5, 2019

Model: Self-centered - The Courage to be Disliked

tyrant domineering nuisance to others own advantage dictator, rules by absolute authority and force egotist disturbs the harmony of the group can’t operate in a group never reflects on actions obsessed incapable of ‘separation of tasks’ obsessed with the desire for recognition fear being judged by others concerned solely with the ‘I’

February 5, 2019

Model: steps to emotional liberty - Non Violent Communication

Emotional slavery We must constantly try to make everyone happy. When someone isn’t happy, we feel responsible and obligated to fix it. Obnoxious stage We no longer want to feel responsible for the other’s feelings “That’s your problem! I am not responsible for your feelings!” We don’t feel responsible FOR the other. But we still need to learn how we can responsibly … WITH the other, without falling back into emotional slavery....

February 5, 2019

Books: Brene Brown dutch - english titles

Dutch English De moed van imperfectie The gifts of imperfection Be you. De Kracht van Kwetsbaarheid daring greatly Be all in. Sterker dan ooit rising strong Fall. Get up. Try again. Durf te leiden dare to lead Verlangen naar verbinding braving the wilderness belonging in a polarized culture Gelukkig ben ik niet de enige I thought it was just me women and shame

January 6, 2019