Book: Introducing Event Storming - Alberto Brandolini

Introducing EventStorming An act of Deliberate Collective Learning ( Preface - 25% About this book Who is this book for Notation Acknowledgments How to read this book Version 1. What does EventStorming look like? - 85% Challenging corporate processes Kicking off a startup Designing a new feature for a web app Quick EventStorming in Avanscoperta A deep dive into problem space 2. A closer look to the problem space - 80% Complexity in a nutshell, or less Organization silos Hierarchy The shape of the problem...

February 24, 2019

Book: Versioning in an Event Sourced System by Gregory Young

Versioning in an Event Sourced System

February 24, 2019

Book: Toyota kata

Goal Make production Help others Overstaffed Buffers Learn One piece flow Eg. Solving the speaker wooden plating to make big and small speakers take equally long Vs Help at other workstations Kanban Kanban is used to define successive target conditions on the way to a one by one flow Inventory is reduced in a controlled fashion, and problems can resurface again. “The purpose of kanban is to eliminate the kanban.” “Anytime you start up a pull system, it will crash and burn within a short time....

January 19, 2019

Book: Non-violent communication - Marshall Rosenberg

Model_ Anti-empathy reaction patterns Opinion_ People want Empathy instead of apologies or advice or anger Model_ steps to emotional liberty - Non Violent Communication

November 19, 2018

Video: Points Don’t Mean Prizes - Adrian Howard 3 Questions that can help detect value Value based questions Can we take a story and can we bin it defer it throw it away completely Can we take a story and can we thin it 20-80 Can we take a story and split it into more than 1 story that all provide value to the customer User Story Mapping Book: User Story Mapping - Jeff Value based decisions

July 12, 2018

Booklist: Bob Martin books

structured programming: book predicts OO The art of computer programming - Knuth (3 books) Design Patterns - GoF The structure and interpretation of computer programs - Sussman, Abel

February 25, 2016

Book: Test Driven Development: By Example - Kent Beck

Problem: dependency Symptom: duplication Write failing test BEFORE writing any code Remove duplication get to green ASAP, quick&dirty: Pattern_ Fake it until you make it Pattern_ TDD Obvious Implementation tests driving code: Pattern_ Triangulation Results: organic design vs over-engineered code courage vs fear rest between self testing code Split up design getting code to work because they are conflicting activities Model_ The Three Laws of TDD [[|Pattern_ Make the change easy....

September 30, 2015

Booklist: Gamification books

What For The Win Gamification: A simple introduction The gamification Revolution Game-based marketing Business Gamification for dummies Loyalty 3.0 Gamification and game mechanics made simple Reality is broken Why Drive Flourish Why we do what we do Delivering Happiness Flow Authentic Happiness To sell is human Intrinsic motivation and Self-Determination How A Theory of Fun for Game Design The art of Game Design Level up! Rules of play Game Feel Challenges for Game Designers External Business...

April 18, 2015

Book: The Richest Man in Babylon

7 remedies for a lean purse 1) save 10% or more 2) budget thyexpenditures -> expenses will grow to equal your earnings neccessaryexpenses <-> desires habits of living desires must go unsatisfied budget with 90% of earnings necessities desires 3) make thy gold multiply: profitable investment 4) guard thy treasures from loss by investing only where: invest -> get familiar with the field thy principle is safe where it may be reclaimed if desirable where you will not fail to collect a fair rental consult thoseexperiencedin handling money for profit...

January 26, 2015

Book: The Art of Learning - Joshua Waitzkin

Mindset beginner’s mindInvest in loss Interval Training Cardiovascular interval training - stress-recovery trainingBiking, swimming, jogging,…Any sport containing cardiovascular aspectsEverything: read book focus, work, meditation practice,

December 22, 2014